Athletic Hall of Fame

Year Athlete Sport
1937 Bill Herman Track
1942 Glenn Miller Track
1948 Gerald Brady Track
1971 Bill Cronin Football
1971 David Gustafson Football
1974 Tony Atzeni Sports Connection
1976 Mark Clark Swim Program
1976 Rick Powell Athletic Director
1989 Jody Stout (Gathercole) Softball
2007 Jennifer Radley Softball
2011 Shronda Butts Basketball
2011 Nijay Gaines Basketball
2011 Sharnae Lamar Basketball
2011 Ashley Prettyman Softball
2011 Markisha Wright Basketball
1956 Thomas Pierick Football
1959 Lou Yacinich Coach
1958 Riley Cook Track
2012 Aubrey Roland Football
2012 Riley Fisher Softball
2012 Pepe Contreas Soccer
2012 Jessica Grochala Softball
1908 Wroth Percival Track
1908-1909 Ben Gates Track
1909 George Guth Track
1909 Norman Guth Track
1909 Carl Leibsie Track
1911 John Cavanaugh Football
1911-1912 Charles Yoder Football
1912 Fletcher Brown Track
1912 Blaine Davidson Track
1912-1914 George Jarvis Track
1914 Walter Beemis Football
1914 Victor Weiser Football
1915 Everett Amsberry Football
1915 Gerald Coombs Football
1915 Orville Ellis Track
1916 Sam Dietz Track
1916 Elmer Spears Track
1916-1917 Walter Yarn Track
1917 Graydon Myers Football
1917 Sydney Shepard Track
1920 Ben Lingenfelter Football
1920 Harold Rocho Track
1921-1922 Paul Little Football and Track
1922 Herschel Lair Football
1922 Leland O’Dell Track
1926 Gordon Lagenquist Track
1927 Keith Kernahan Football
1928 Orval Anderson Football
1928 Jack Hall Golf
1928 Alvyn “A.G.” Hostetter Coach – Golf