Bulletin Board
SNAP CNXT is a two-way communication platform that brings equity to family engagement efforts. Please activate your SNAP CNXT account: https://www.schoolcnxt.com/ If you need to re-set your SNAP CNXT password you can do so at the following link: https://cloud.schoolcnxt.com/users/password/new
School CNXT Resources Page (Staff & Students)
What is Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is an excellent tool to track how your child is doing in his or her classes. This video gives you instructions for Getting to your IC Account. Infinite Capus is an online tool we will utilize regulary throughout the school year. Click on the link below to login to your account: Login to your IC Account
How do I log into Canvas?
You can access you Canvas by logging into dmschools.instructure.com please bookmark the site. The link to Canvas can also be found on the DMPS website. Parents can download the Canvas app by follwing the instructions located on this link Canvas Access for Parents .This video also walks you through how to navigate your Canvas account-Canvas Help
Reporting an Absence
To report an absence please contact our main office- (515) 242-7788 and dial extension 7765. We can also be reached via email at east.attendance@dmschools.org
Bookkeeper Extension- 7759 Registrar Extension- 7768
East High School Hall of Fame- Click Here
Follow us on Twitter @https://twitter.com/Dsmeast
Quick Links
Superintendent Chat
Boys Track & Field: Iowa Alliance Indoor Conference Track Championships (Varsity)
Girls Track & Field: Iowa Alliance Indoor Conference Track Championships (Varsity)
Boys Track & Field: Waukee HS Boys Early Bird (Varsity)
Girls Soccer: Chariton vs Des Moines East (Varsity)